<img src="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/soyMVOxsy1Q/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360" alt="kono dio da">
you find yourself in a stnad battle against the joe-man himself
> [[draw]]
> [[draw (for smartasses)]]
> [[who even is this kid]]
<img src="http://www.fightersgeneration.com/characters/holhorse.jpg" width="500" height="300" alt="hol hors">
you are now hol horse
> [[oh hell yes! shoot jotaro]]
> [[ew hol horse is gross >:(]]
<img src="http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/jjba/images/3/35/Rohan.png/revision/latest?cb=20121229125943" width="399" height="482" alt="rohan kishibich">
congrats youre this guy
> [[i expected no less B/]]
> [[i dont understand. how is this drawing but for smartasses. whats going on i dont understa]]
<img src="http://img.amiami.jp/images/product/main/134//FIGURE-003902.jpg" width="300" height="300" alt="aw yeha">
HELL YEHA PARDNER! you fire off a volley of shots (looking very cool, might i add B))
youre not stupid, though. using your superior tactical mind, you predict jotaro will dodge out of the way. but which way???
>[[shoot to the left->u done fucked]]
>[[shoot to the right->u done fucked]]
<img src="https://myanimelist.net/images/characters/5/193219.jpg" width="450" height="700" alt="sad hol :(">
you have made the cowboy man sad :(
but okay, im nice. we both know you dont stand a chance with hol anyways.
>[[ugh. THANK you->draw (for smartasses)]]
>[[no!!! i take it back!! :'(->oh hell yes! shoot jotaro]]
<img src="https://secure.static.tumblr.com/312d8ee4e0fe4f36007f11b05f56f9a7/l3aovjy/qq3n5hio8/tumblr_static_4x3glx4emn8kkck8s08w84osc_640_v2.png" width="640" height="338" alt="hol died">
[the actual scene - too graphic for words - has been replaced by a series of abstract KO poses. if u saw the true carnage, you would thank me]
you fool. you utter buffoon. you lard-swilling horse man. jotaro didnt move left OR right! he went FORWARD and slammed your DARN FACE IN!! truly, hubris is a shifty-eyed lass, with no eyes for you
> [[accept defeat]]
<img src="http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/934/758/57b.gif" width="437" height="245" alt="receipt">
congrats you lost.
jotaro: 1
you: -100
[[play again?->home]]
<img src="http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/jjba/images/b/b2/Heaven's_door_rohan_kishibe_c372.png/revision/latest?cb=20140710152813" width="263" height="258" alt="HEVENZU DORU">
with your unbeatable stand, Heaven's Door, never been defeated, ever, you will surely attain victory over this child. (he is a very buff child, but you do not discriminate.)
you open up jotaros face. what do you write?
> [["jotaro kujo is not to harm rohan kishibe"]]
> [["jotaro kujo will be rohan kishibes bff forever"]]
<img src="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/378800000577523886/0d89ec17ee7c823588d48783a8693acc_400x400.png" width="400" height="400" alt="u wot m8">
>[[NOW GO HEAVENS DOOR THAT TEENAGER->i expected no less B/]]
In the initial picture, Jotaro is telling you to "draw," implying a gunfight. However, by willfully choosing to ignore the intended meaning (instead opting to interpret the "draw" to mean "make pretty lines on paper"), you have aligned yourself not only with Rohan Kishibe (a mangaka that draws pretty lines for a living), but with smartasses everywhere.
Please try to keep up.
> [[Okay. I understand now, and am ready to proceed.->draw (for smartasses)]]
<img src="http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire3/e13a734c8b888434ea4f4303ab60236f1410578639_full.jpg" width="640" height="360" alt="u came to the wrong neighborhood">
in an unfortunate turn of events, you realize you underestimated the amount of friends this surly teenager somehow has.
> [[accept your fate->accept defeat]]
<img src="http://37.media.tumblr.com/cd87b4b786c625bc01d6bcb384b34e12/tumblr_mt8vw7smKN1sxli7ao5_1280.jpg" width="711" height="450" alt="FRIENDS!!">
you now tolerate each other
this is, comparatively, a victory
[[end credits i guess]]
you find yourself at the end credits
program: twine
writing: me, megan
art: not me, megan. mostly araki. or the anime/ova. things that are not one of those things are sourced below
(its just one thing actually)
<img src="http://37.media.tumblr.com/cd87b4b786c625bc01d6bcb384b34e12/tumblr_mt8vw7smKN1sxli7ao5_1280.jpg" width="711" height="450" alt="FRIENDS!!">
source: http://rebloggy.com/post/parody-jjba-jotaro-kujo-diamond-is-unbreakable-josuke-higashikata-rohan-kishibe/61455906109
thanks for playing my magnum opus guys i appreciate
[[play again?->home]]
<img src="http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/d/d2/Dio_Brando.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090403235922" width="364" height="365" alt="holy dunker">
i know right?? who is he to stand against You, DIO, the vampire unanimously nominated (by yourself) as 1987's best-dressed vampire (there are no other vampires, and you moderate this event yourself, but a first place trophy is still a first place trophy)
> [[wry]]
> [[WRYY]]
<img src="http://www.japanator.com/ul/28535-/cooljotaro-620x.jpg" width="620" height="351" alt="smh">
you let out a soft 'wry.' however, it is not enough. not only did you meme, you memed without any commitment.
jotaro is not intimidated. even worse, he is unimpressed.
this is going terribly.
> [[try again?]]
<img src="http://www.fightersgeneration.com/characters/dio-tandem.gif" width="766" height="444" alt="mudamuda">
you let out a monstrous WRRRRYYYYYYYY. jotaro is appropriately Shook. the volume of the WRY was enough to break some nearby glass, and your complete confidence in this meme has clearly taken jotaro off balance
<img src="http://rq87.flyingomelette.com/RQ/C/JJSC/13/58.jpg" width="624" height="480" alt="rip dio">
<img src="http://rq87.flyingomelette.com/RQ/C/JJSC/13/74.jpg" width="624" height="480" alt="he gone">
you let out an earth-shattering 'wry,' but alas, it is too late.
star platinum's fist slams into your face and it is star Painful (hah hah)
> [[accept defeat]]
<img src="http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/974/391/ece.gif" width="540" height="304" alt="it a knife">
while he is distracted, you pull out a knife and throw it! its super effective!!!!
<img src="http://i.imgur.com/yXBlMGO.png" width="960" height="540" alt="youd think thered be more art of jotaro at least getting beat up but i s2g i couldnt find any so heres another dio instead">
you are victorious! you have successfully killed someone approximately a seventh of your age! practically a baby!
...if you think of it like that, this victory feels much less impressive than it did a couple seconds ago...
> [[lets just get this over with->end credits i guess]]